week in review

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





 my france art journal cover
 my laundry drying in provence sun
 art journaling
 yoga on the deck
 my new pink rattan bag with markers, vintage scarf + h2o bottle peeking out
week in review
 taught 11 yoga classes
taught 10 hours of art journaling
hosted amazing group of beings
did laundry and hung it in provence sun
6-hour train ride from paris to provence
read heaps of the $100 start up
posted marie antoinette pics for things i love
posted podcast on yoga + balance
scheduled vintage tour for monday in paris
ate heaps of yummy provencal vegetarian food
art journal play
signed up for world domination summit workshops
reconnected + made new connections with some *amazing* souls
weekend wishlist
 prep provence 2013 registration
 luxurious 6-hour train travel from provence to paris
release tranquility du jour podcast featuring robin fisher roffer on branding
 finish $100 start up
et toi? what’s on your weekend wishlist?
bisous. x