week in review: bonjour france

love notes
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 savoring lavender + pistachio sorbet
 close up of heaven
 j’adore plant stands
 lime blossom tea at laduree
macarons at laduree
week in review
taught 3 yoga classes
took 1 yummy yin class
1 gym jaunt
recovered from “mono’s cousin”
finalized retreat schedule + guidelines
pigs 20th anniversary promo finalized and to printer
tranquil space team happy hour
improv sewing class – whipped up 2 stitched onsies
bebe naming for sweet maggie
retreat supply shopping
goody bag stuffing
hair cut/color
tea with a girlfriend
wine + salad with a girlfriend
packed for france
cheat sheets for kitty sitter extraordinaire + other fab helpers
flew to toronto 
missed connection = day in toronto working
flew to paris
finished 3 handmade projects + mailed/delivered
picked up a new shade of red lipstick in paris
picked up fave candy-scented bubble bath bar from lush
read heaps at sidewalk cafes + luxembourg gardens
spontaneously wandered the champs-élysées with carol, julia + le beau
savored tea + macarons at laudree
welcomed lovely retreaters from us, australia, france + uk over croissants
weekend wishlist
tranquil train ride to provence
settle into retreat hosting = 5 hours of art + yoga/day
begin new france art journal
snap heaps of eye candy
write, read, be
et toi? what’s on your happy holiday weekend wishlist? 
bisous. x