week in review: le cabin

love notes
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week in review
yoga on the le beau’s cabin deck
1 yoga class at tranquil space
teacher training meeting 
interview and follow up
1:30am return to dc from florida
8:30pm departure from dc for wv
welcomed advanced teacher training group
showcased 5 things i love
heaps of writing for creative + conscious business e-course
scheduled new teacher 3-month check-ins
penned tuesday + thursday musings
ate heaps of amy’s organic pizza and i mean heaps
oh, and two taschen books: new york and paris
set fall TranquiliT trunk show date: october 2
indulged in a deep tissue massage
shopped at darling secondhand store in hedgesville, wv
finished 12 secrets of highly successful women
penned tranquilty du jour museletter (did you get it?)
after jobs’ announcement, watched pirates of silicon valley
penned + mailed merci beaucoups
finalized paris hotel for paris + provence retreat
shared idea mapping podcast with jamie nast
set up heaps of podcast interviews
set up next tranquil teens program
secured date for tranquil space foundation fall celebration (october 12)
chatted with webmaster re: new tranquil space foundation website
picked up new full slip at retrodini in berkeley springs
fell in love with this summer in paris collection at stampington.com
weekend wishlist
yoga at tranquil space
gym jaunt
embroidery class
call with lovely britt bravo
tea with dear friend
unpacking + laundry
chez moi organization post weeks o’ travel
mani + pedi
finalize fall samples
et toi? what’s on your weekend wishlist?
bisous. x