Week in Review {Pics + Links}

love notes
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Week in Review

Happy Saturday night! I’m sitting fireside surrounded by books, paperwork, my Daybook, journal, water bottle, cuppa tea, and two furry friends. Despite big plans to conquer pending projects on my to-do list, I’ve been moving in slow motion—researching social work licensing exam prep, looking at farmettes for sale in West Virginia, finding new creatives to follow on Twitter.

You know, doing anything but handling those patiently awaiting tasks.

This week was a sprint and my mantra was “mindful survival:” coordinating TranquiliT’s spring photo shoot, launching the 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course, packing and shipping the Virtual Retreat Tranquility Toolkits, doing my first Periscope broadcasts, seeing numerous clients, baking two batches of kale chips, making steel cut oats (I doubled the recipe and now have enough for a month—oops!), finalizing the upcoming “Yoga and the Animals” event at Burleigh Manor Animal Sanctuary on 6/26, releasing a podcast and Love Note, attending a Hospice volunteer workshop, and playing single mom to Mookie (a full-time job) while Tim’s away.

Oh, and purchasing my 9th, yes 9th, Garth Brooks ticket! Two shows in Raleigh, NC = next stop.

As I scan my table covered in tools to help me complete various tasks, I want to crawl into bed. It’s been a good week, a productive one. And now it’s time for rest. The to-dos will be right here waiting for me when I wake up. I’ll give them the attention they deserve after I take care of myself first.

It’s transformative what sleep can do. And a hot bath. And a good cuppa tea. And a nutrient-packed green smoothie. And a Toffuti Cutie for breakfast. You know, because mindful indulgence is a good thing.

Sleep tight loved ones. May tonight bring you respite. Bisous. x

Week in Pics

  1. Mookie big pimpin’
  2. A peek at one of TranquiliT’s new spring colors: peach
  3. Pink cowboy boots in honor of my 9th Garth Brooks concert ticket
  4. Kale chips
  5. Week 8 of 52 Weeks of Tranquility: Artist’s Date
  6. A fireside moment

Savvy Sources

Amazing Vegan Clogs Made in the USA: Mohop
Steven Pressfield on The Truth is Out There
10 Ways Successful People Spend Their Time After Work
What I Wish Everyone Knew About Factory Farming
Meatless Monday with Tracey Stewart (+ Pig Belly Rubs)
The Stigma of Doing Things Alone
How to Embroider Vines and Leaves
How to Be a Great Listener
Reading Program Teaches Kids Empathy and Helps Shy Shelter Dogs
Focus on These 4 Things to Organize Your Business
Why I Turned Vegan and What It Means for My Travel Lifestyle

Weekend Wish List

Host inspiring workshops
Work on essay
Read more of The Art of Slow Writing
Take long walks with Mookie
Time with writing group