Week in Review {Pics + Links}

love notes
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Week in Review

Sunday night I’m hosting over a dozen ladies in my home (and dozens more online) to celebrate my first book’s 10th birthday. I have treats for their goody bags, bubbly, vegan cupcakes (Tim’s baking), and macarons. Twinkle lights, silver garland, and evergreen are hung (more to be added). Candles and a fire will be lit. HTC10 will be an intimate, sensory-filled two-hour celebration.

One major piece of the event is reflecting on the past decade and dreaming up the next. Annie Dillard’s quote, “How we spend our days is how we spend our lives” comes to mind. While it’s helpful to look at the big chunks (like a decade), it’s also empowering to recognize how those everyday decisions make up our decades. Every little one can bring us closer (or take us further away) from our deepest desires.

This week I collaborated with clients, edited HTC10 and the complementary Playbook for days (releasing today!), bought a mini cupcake tin and gold wrappers for Sunday’s HTC10 party, released a Love Note, picked up bubbly, read the thoughtful Hip Tranquil Chick story submissions (thank you x100), snuggled with the pups, released a podcast featuring Christine Mason Miller, shipped online orders, penned my monthly Tranquil Space muse, practiced yoga, and taught a mindfulness class.

Pics in Review

  1. Yoga practice and tea
  2. Foliage spotted on morning walk
  3. Mookie and Tim’s holiday tree

Savvy Sources

6 Ways to Be More Charismatic
26 Experts Share Best Tips For Transitioning to A Plant-Based Diet
Meditation Keeps Emotions in Check
12 Things Healthy Girls Do Before 7am
My Piece On Unstuck.com About Feeling Stuck
The Power of Thought Stopping
I Cut 5 Unnecessary Spending Habits For 30 Days and Here’s What Happened
A 98-year-old Yoga Celebrity Tells All

Weekend Wish List

Host inspiring HTC10
Stuff goody bags
Send Playbook and HTC10 PDFs
Pick up flowers
Chill bubbly
Host inspiring Biz of Yoga workshop
Practice yogaPen thank yous
Set up home for friends joining HTC10 live



