Week in Review {Pics + Links}

love notes
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Week in Review

Tuesday started with great intentions—up early, walk dogs, send Love Note, record live doga video, see clients. While finishing the Pure Joy post and feeling all happy about cows, I heard what sounded like running water. I ignored it and published my blog post.

The noise began to intensify and soon water was dripping onto my floor. I opened my front door and saw water pouring down the hallway wall. After multiple calls to the condo association, the dishwasher-that-wouldn’t-stop-leaking in the upstairs apartment was shut off. 20 minutes later, my floor and cabinets filled with sundries for shipping were covered with water.

As I stood in my waterlogged dining area, I was told the water damage was “minimal” and a basic cleaning crew should be able to help. Scrambling to remedy the mess and save my morning, I called around and found a water damage specialist who could come within the hour. As he took a crowbar to the ceiling and pulled half of the waterlogged dry wall down, my eyes welled with tears.

My morning of productivity (and tranquility) had just come to an end.

I had to go to work so I left the man to finish my home demolition: pulling up half the floor, hauling out my ceiling, and setting out loud industrial fans and a dehumidifier. At 8pm I picked Mookie up from daycare and braced myself as I opened my front door. It sounded like an airplane inside—a loud roaring, groaning tone. The floor was gone, there were holes were light fixtures should be, the curtains were dancing in the fan’s strong breeze, and my personal belongings were scattered about.

I fed the pups and headed to my bedroom for a client call away from the noise. Shortly after the call began, Belle hopped up onto the bed and had a nice long pee. Yep, right onto the comforter. I was like “is this really happening?” I finished the call and started laundry, trying to keep myself together. Then I remembered the new pink Egyptian cotton sheet set I’d just purchased online and knew that crawling into soft sheets would be good soul balm.

Once the pets were walked and laundry was running, I remade the bed and slid inside. Tossing and turning, I realized these were definitely not Egyptian cotton and were actually rough and itchy to the point of slight torture. Too tired to do anything else, I pulled a pillow over my head and hunkered deeper into the bed knowing tomorrow had to be better.

Wednesday I woke up to puddles of water on the removed floor and water dripping from the bare floor joists. After walking the dogs I went upstairs to chat with my neighbor and indeed their dishwasher had filled with water again (and Thursday morning, too.) I begged them to remedy it that day, stacked books into tidy piles, and moved essentials to the kitchen table (now in the living room) hoping to create some sense of order before heading out for ten hours with clients.

Today I woke up to a dry floor and no drips on my head en route to the kitchen for morning tea. Now I’m writing at my kitchen table with earplugs in trying to block some of the airplane sound. Insurance companies and condo associations are set to battle out who’s responsible while I await a dry space to rebuild.

My twinkle lights still work, electronics weren’t damaged, pets are healthy, I have flowers, tea, candles, and new real Egyptian cotton sheets rush delivered from Tim—all the creature comforts to assist during my transition into 300 square feet of livable space. For that, I’m very grateful.

This week I: survived my home being wrecked, collaborated with clients, took yoga classes, packaged goody bags hand stamped with a pig, taught a mindfulness workshop at Humane Society of the United States, taught a mindfulness class, sent a draft Daybook to print, released a podcast, took Tim to the airport for an eight-day bike adventure, solo parented three pets, sent a Love Note, recorded a doga video, had tea with a writing friend, got a mani/pedi, coordinated fall TranquiliT updates, signed up for two writing classes at Politics and Prose, got tickets for Unlocking the Cage, saw the beautiful write-up Christine Mason Miller did on me for Bella Grace (will share photos), and cooked my first Blue Apron meal.

Wishing you time to connect with your own version of soul balm and a cozy, dry living space. Bisous. x

Pics in Review

  1. Sunday morning view
  2. Daybook cover options
  3. HSUS
  4. Goody bags I made for HSUS workshop
  5. Living/dining room
  6. More living/dining room
  7. Livable vs unlivable space divider

Savvy Sources

3 Steps You Need to Take If You’re Constantly Making Excuses
Nietzsche’s 10 Rules for Writers
The Mindful Definition of Mindfulness
Hesitant to Make That Big Life Change? Permission Granted
{Podcast} Highly Sensitive Person’s Life: “I Feel Like I’m Never Caught Up”
{Podcast} Manager Your Energy So You Can Write
Wayne Pacelle of HSUS (Humane Society of US) on Oprah’s Super Soul SundayMorning Routines

Weekend Wish List

Organize home mess
Finish reread of Old Friend from Far Away
Tea date with girlfriend
Time with pets
Finalize fall TranquiliT look book









