80s yoga + prep

love notes
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ahhhh, another action-packed day at the studio – complete with coordinating a surprise luncheon for our studio director, teaching a class and a fun workshop to 80s tunes, and finalizing some last minute details. 80s yoga was a hit among the 30-something crowd and pour some sugar on me seemed to be the favorite hit of the night. guess that goes without saying – god bless def leppard.

i received some more oh-so-thoughtful goodies today – a batch of homemade ginger snaps that were supposed to be for my journey yet i consumed them ALL today, a bag of chocolate, and a yummy scented candle for my luxe accommodations. guess i’ll have to go away more often – goodies are fun!

tomorrow starts with a book signing at circle yoga, my last class at the studio for a month, a run with my supportive running buddy who also hosts graceful edge, podcast prep for the month i’m away (never fear – i’ve been putting them together in anticipation of being away so you’ll still have your weekly dose!), and packing!

i also plan to share my journey with each of you by blogging when i get a free moment. although the schedule is incredibly action-packed, i promise to connect as often as i can.

thanks for all your well wishes as i embark on this exciting experience. xoxo