a day in pictures

love notes
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i got home from the studio around 11pm friday night and crawled into bed. read some of the martha stewart biography that i’ve been absorbing and off to dreamland. up after a long slumber and dashed to TranquiliT’s showroom for our planner pad par-tay led by the lovely julia and jlo from last week’s podcast. attached are two photos from the extravaganza – note beau on the far right who got the recording equipment set up for those who purchased the class via mp3 since they couldn’t make the event live and in person. your mp3 is coming soon!

next i dashed to our arlington studio to teach my 3-hour new year’s reflection practice to a group of lovely ladies. then a jaunt to whole foods where i dined on yummy cucumber/avocado sushi and a to-die-for cupcake. the meal looked so pretty that i had to photograph it to share. truly one of the prettiest cupcakes out there! now i’m desperately procrastinating the edits to a 30-page document due tomorrow. oh how i’d rather crawl under the covers and enjoy more slumbering. alas, it’s time to make it happen. after a day of fun plan pad decorating and teaching, i’d better start the editing process . . .