a quote to ponder

love notes
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we are the only species on earth capable of
preventing our own flowering
.” – david whyte

i came upon this quote in lisa sonora beam’s fabulous book, the creative entrepreneur. what a *powerful* reminder to ensure we are in some stage of exploration, even if we’re simply repotting ourselves into a larger pot for our roots to grow. what are you doing to flower on this chilly winter evening?

may i recommend signing up for an inspiring teleclass, joining a book club, exploring some short of shift, trying a new yoga class or teacher, journaling about what you want in life, finding your edge, taking an artist date, browsing a bookstore, cutting up sweaters to make legwarmers, taking up knitting, writing a blog post, living out loud, or dancing your heart out?

flower, my loves, flower. bloom. blossom. grow.
