And the Stockings Were Hung . . .

love notes
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Happy December! It’s hard to believe we’re now in the final month of 2017 and it’s time to jump fully into the holiday season. Hence, the stockings.

To prepare the Pink Palace, last night I did a deep clean, hung silver tinsel, needlepoint stockings, and the family’s initials (note our anonymous future pig hanging with me and Tim) to the sound of classical music and snoring pugs.

I’m experiencing feelings of excitement mixed with “omg, where did the year go?!” topped with a slight dizziness. Anyone else?

This final month of the year will be a sweet whirlwind and finale to 2017. In two weeks I’m off to Oklahoma to drop Mookie with his grandparents for the holidays and in three weeks we’ll be arriving in Paris with Belle Starr. In four weeks we’ll be back to DC to lead the Yoga + Mindfulness New Year’s Eve mini retreat, then drive to St. Louis to pick up Mookie!

My parents have graciously agreed to meet us halfway and we’ll be staying in an old train station turned hotel New Year’s Day. Then back to DC and post-holiday life with a possible newly adopted one-eyed senior pug named Gizmo. Just what we need, right? Yes, I may be well on my way to becoming a rescue pug collector!

Throughout December I’ll be sharing ideas for reflection as we bring 2017 to a close *and* announcing a new offering in 2018!

It’s been a year filled with much transition and I look forward to all that lies ahead for each of us. Wishing you a joyful launch into December! Bisous. x