fruit leather addict

love notes
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i’ve had nose to the computer for the past 48 hours working on finalizing these book reports for my upcoming month-long teacher training. they are due today and i have one to go – woo hoo! however, these haven’t been easy texts. today’s to conquer is the hatha yoga pradipika.

anyway, i’m not here to complain, only confess. i’m secretly addicted to those phenomenal fruit leathers that you find at whole foods. yum! it’s like a fruit roll-up but for adults. ok, maybe these are still created for kids but they ARE in the adult section of the grocery store. i buy them because they are a healthy alternative to gummy bears, but then i eat 8-10 in one day (2 per sitting). is that a problem?

i somehow feel lighter for sharing and am delighted that i only have a few left to conquer. considering i can only buy so many during my occasional excursion to the grocery store (the cashiers look at me funny and say “oh, you must really like these.”) don’t comment, just give me my fruit leathers!

alrightie, back to the hatha yoga pradipika. stay tuned for a mini museletter coming your way today. if you haven’t signed up, be sure to do so at (note the sign up at the bottom of the page). happy, happy spring!