livin’ large and shakin’ things up

love notes
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so after a day of meetings and a fab yoga class at the studio, i couldn’t bear to head home for my usual “computer date” with the beau (we both get on our macs for 3-4 hours and then go to bed). even though i have some items to prepare for a workshop and teacher meeting tomorrow, i decided to practice what i preach and DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY. while flowing through surya A tonight i had visions of beau picking me up after class and whisking me off to some place different for a few hours. we settled on a divey chinese place in old town, virginia and, of course, had to hit a bookstore (my third in 3 days!). total treat. it’s funny how much delightful getting out of one’s routine can be so therapeutic. i encourage you to play with this concept this weekend — live large and shake things up! i promise you won’t regret it.