my week in photos

love notes
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week in review:
mon: all day at school (diversity + human behavior classes) + discover the GORGEOUS basilica (photos above), finish editing of tranquilista due that night
tues: play catch up at tranquil space from sun up to past bedtime, chose all-in-one wrap winners
wed: french felines bonnard + matisse (see photo above with all 3 of my noir “sons”) to vet in AM, record podcast with rebecca of Nest, studio work, TSF call
thurs: boxing, meetings, mentoring, teach, dinner with beloved pal
fri: luncheon at school, meeting re: social media plan and tranquilista book launch planning (SAVE THE DATE: january 21), yoga, leave for cabin
sat: read all day plus two naps, yummy dinner with beau + friends at beau’s cabin
sun: explore shepherdstown with pal – bookstore, cupcake, tea, cheese = yum!