sloth sunday

love notes
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woke up in time to indulge in my weekly ashtanga yoga fix, but my shoulder continues to squeal at moi. so, i decided to engage in non-harming and crawl back under the covers. feeling oddly guilty about my indulgence of down time lately. it feels so unnatural, but so darn yummy. time with friends, time cleaning out my closet (have 4 bags full of items i don’t wear thanks to last night’s purge), movies, pet-friendly wineries, and lots of time by the fire. as i type, i’m still in bed with a snoring pug attached to my side. sloth sundays are truly divine – even if accompanied by a twinge of guilt. once i publish this post, i plan to brush this crazy hair (the eyemask i wear turns my hair into an odd-looking beehive daily), dress in my usual TranquiliT togs, don some eyeliner and lipgloss, and hit the yoga mat for some much-needed yin yoga. next indulge in a homemade green-powder infused shake and green tea. then take louis to the dog park and take ourselves to a movie at our fabulous artsy theatre downtown. next to the bookstore to do some browsing, journal writing, and more tea-sipping. finally to a holiday party hosted by a beloved acupuncturist and friend before settling in by the fire to write and plan my short week (2 days at studio and then we dash to oklahoma for 4 days!). ah, sundays started in a sloth-like manner are truly decadent. time to rise and shine.