today i received the sweetest note via snail mail that included this darling magnet. it looks like my sweet love bug walter (who i have video of from sunday’s visit – forthcoming).
can you stand it? cutest. thing. ever.
as my birthday rounds the corner (THURSDAY!) and i continue to request various experiences (ex. start birthday with flaky croissant, next step TBD – maybe vintage shopping in georgetown, tea for two at teaism, matinee at artsy e street theater, bookstore browsing, hop on metro to school, finale over sushi with le beau + le pug), i am full of gratitude for the sprinkles of surprise that come my way.
here’s my latest sprinkles of surprises in the past 24 hours: a fun lunch with friends from my former internship, laughs at the studio, a slice of carrot cake, full class with yogis savoring our new-to-dupont blend of yoga + meditation, 30 minutes at the gym while finishing onward, sharing heaps of innovations happening at the studio, preparing for week-long extravaganza in costa rica.
the sprinkles of everyday surprise are endless. look outside your window, glance at a colleague, sip a yummy latte, browse works of art, and recognize the many sprinkles that come our way each day.
however, i think this pig magnet tops all. agree?
bisous. x