summer reading: what’s on your list?

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photo of pink palace by sally mannix

as you may be aware by now, i have a book buying problem. actually an addiction.

i believe that all answers lie within books and my heart races when i enter a bookstore or library.

my passion for books has led to a lovely personal library full of gems including the complete anais nin journal collection.

since i’m finally on a role of finishing a few books (often reading up to 25+ at a time), i wanted to share my success and to-reads in hope of you doing the same.

recently read books:
the happiness project by gretchen rubin
the business of happiness by ted leonsis
a life worth breathing by max strom (podcast forthcoming!)
rework by jason fried
do more great work by michael stanier
blogging for bliss by tara frey
the not so big life by sarah susanka (podcast here)
the handmade marketplace by kari chapin (podcast forthcoming!)

currently reading books:
rereading the not so big life by sarah susanka
delivering happiness by tony hsieh
see jane lead by lois frankel
i love you more than my dog by jeanne bliss
the gospel according to coco chanel by karen karbo

on my radar to read books: (a few pages into most of these)
full catastrophe living by jon kabit-zinn
the feminine mystique by betty friedan
charismatic organization by shirley shagaw and deborah jospin
pour your heart into it by howard shultz
good to great by jim collins
the wisdom of yoga by stephen cope
the little big things by tom peters

so tell me, what’s on *your* summer reading list?
