tranquility to go

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."






gearing up for my jaunt to alliance francaise for more fun (aka humiliation). ooh la la! (clearly my fave french word – forgive my overuse).

remember my mention of covering file folders with images that appeal? it’s a festive, innovative way to do vision boards or collages. well, sallie ann (a chicago pen pal) sent me these gorgeous shots of her recently covered file folders. gorgeous, eh? anyone else busily designing vision boards and indulging in file folder fun? j’adore her images and have used many in recent collages. decorating file folders is definitely a way to take your tranquility to go and keep your dreams in the forefront.

in addition to file folder decor, i’m recording my 4th yoga class audio cd on friday and finalizing the class. for those of you who have one of my former cds or have a request for an all-level one-hour flow, please pass it along. any sequence or pose you’re dying for? happy to cater the class to you! “tranquility to go” will be released in conjunction with our 10-year birthday bash and the first 50 people who come to the event receive a complimentary copy. save the date! would love to see your smiling faces there to honor our first decade.

finally, if you’re free this friday night and in the mood for some yummy yoga coupled with local live music with three talented musicians, please join moi for tranquil vibe. these guys are awesome and i’ve played their music a few times on the podcast. sign up at yay for supporting local musicans and getting your yoga on in the process. that is tranquility to go!