What To Do While Waiting for Election Results

love notes
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{Originally posted in 2016} Hitting refresh over and over is an option, but I think we can do better. Below are some ideas to help survive this evening’s anxious energy.

  1. Walk your dog
  2. Dress your dog in a cute sweater first
  3. Write a love letter to a woman’s rights activist
  4. Paint your nails red
  5. Soak in a lavender-infused bubble bath
  6. Organize a desk drawer
  7. Wear a pantsuit
  8. Order in your favorite meal
  9. Go for a run
  10. Head to a swanky hotel bar and sip bellinis while watching the results
  11. Do yoga
  12. Dance to Katy Perry’s “Roar” or “Fight Song
  13. Take 10 deep breaths. Repeat.
  14. Dress in white to honor the Suffragettes
  15. Bake vegan cupcakes and top with red, white, and blue sprinkles
  16. Go for a brisk walk
  17. Rake leaves
  18. Write a letter of gratitude to a woman who has influenced you
  19. Document today in your journal
  20. Combat the isms: sexism, racism, classism, ableism, ageism, heterosexism, colorism, lookism, nativism
  21. Listen to classical music
  22. Meditate
  23. Make a list of gratitude
  24. Read an inspiring text
  25. Hug a loved one

Then hit refresh. Wishing you and yours a tranquil evening as the results come in. May the best {wo}man win and may we recognize the greatness already present in our perfectly imperfect nation. Bisous. x





