March + Manifesto

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My idea of feminism is self-determination, and it’s very open-ended: every woman has the right to become herself, and do whatever she needs to do.—Ani DiFranco

After recording a 42-minute bonus podcast (for TDJ app users and Year of Tranquility purchasers) sharing the story of bringing the book to life, I headed downtown to support the Women’s March. Although I didn’t have a pink hat, I hoped the coat would suffice. And, yes, I realize my hair was a mess. Messy hair, don’t care. Or so they say.

While close to the stage, we were moved hearing from members of the Women’s March board and activists from Standing Rock. Seeing a sea of pink hats and empowering signs while listening to chants and speeches left me fired up and eager for action.

During undergrad I was exposed to women’s studies and my world has never been the same. It opened my eyes to the many ways women face injustice daily—at home, at work, in the community, and beyond. When I started my yoga studio, Tranquil Space, in 1999, my goal was to create a safe space for women to grow and connect.

In 2004 I finished a master’s in women’s studies program where I was exposed to Gertrude Stein, Simone de Beauvoir, Charlotte Perkins Gilman (you simply must read “The Yellow Wallpaper”), bell hooks, Mary Wollstonecraft, Maxine Hong Kingston, and Betty Friedan, to name a few. There’s so much to learn and I’m forever grateful for those who have helped paved the path for us so far.

Next Saturday Tim and I are heading to NYC for the day to see Gloria: A Life, a play about the life of feminist icon Gloria Steinem. She’s quoted as saying, “A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men.” I think we can ALL get behind that!

When creating Year of Tranquility, I updated the manifesto and have included it below. Note the inclusion of equality, responsibility, freedom, and compassion. That, my dear readers, is why I march. Bisous. x

Kimberly Wilson

The Masterpiece

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