A Peek into Paris

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A walk about Paris will provide lessons in history, beauty, and in the point of life. —Thomas Jefferson

On September 1, I boarded a plane headed to Paris. Despite a slight ground hold due to Hurricane Ida, I sank into my seat and exhaled as we finally ascended into these cotton candy-colored clouds.

I booked this trip in May when France reopened its borders to Americans and things were looking “normal” again. Despite wearing masks in shops, COVID tests, and showing my vaccination card at all restaurants and cafes, Paris was Paris. Charming, as always.

It had been an excruciating 10 days leading up to the trip due an unexpected and heartbreaking loss, so it felt important to keep the travel plans. Paris is soul balm. You’ll see why in the photos below.

In last week’s TDJ Live (replay here), I shared seven takeaways from my experience and observations while walking 25k steps per day, sipping many cups of tea, eating cake for breakfast, listening to three live jazz shows, and catching up with a few friends.

While my heart has much more healing to do, this trip to my favorite city offered a chance to pause, sip, and savor.

I hope you enjoy the photos and are able to join me vicariously. I had you in my heart the whole time, dear reader. I always do. Bisous. x

PS Interesting in planning your own jaunt to the City of Light? Here’s my go-tos!