free call: tranquilosophy seasonal podcast

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Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





 image courtesy of cupid designs

Bonsoir mon amis. We’re shaking things up this round of Tranquilosophy Seasonal Podcast. I’m writing to invite you to Monday’s complimentary live call. Yup, you read that right! In addition to the weekly podcasts we’ve been releasing lately, there’s also this special one coming your way.

During the call I’ll walk you through eight Tranquility Tools to help your blooming process this spring. Think new healthy habits, fresh air, and fragrant flowers. The experience will be held at 3pm ET on Monday, March 24 and here’s the info: dial 712-432-3066 and use conference code 229226.

Can’t join us live? No problem, the recording will be available via on demand for $10 later that day. And a portion of all sales benefit the work of Farm Sanctuary and Tranquil Space Foundation. Thank you for making a difference by supporting and seeking tranquility. Bisous. x