signature style: summer has arrived

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anyone’s life truly lived consists of work, sunshine, exercise,
soap, plenty of fresh air, and a happy contented spirit.
(lillie lengthy)

hello gorgeous tranquilitas!
thanks for stopping by for a slice of tranquility. every other week, i share musings on signature style. last time, i provided ideas on celebrating a holiday weekend in a stylish, sparkly way. this week’s post features a few ways to welcome the summer season.

invite sunshine!
go for a long walk, exploring a new neighborhood or nature trail. plan a day trip to the beach or enjoy reading a book poolside. practice yoga in an open field, or on your patio. honor mother nature with sun salutations and tree pose.

invite friends & family over for a fresh summer meal al fresco. drive with your windows down, or ride your bike to work for a day. no matter how you invite sunshine into your life, remember to protect yourself by wearing eco-friendly spf and a floppy hat.

share your style!
there’s a shift that happens in the weeks between spring and summer when the clothes in the front of my closet and at the top of my drawers don’t match the weather outside. when this happens, i take the opportunity to revisit last summer’s wardrobe and touch base with current trends.

donate items that no longer inspire you to sparkle – pieces that don’t work for you could be great additions to someone else’s look. go on an artist date in search of accessories that will update and brighten your style for the season. find a new lip gloss, summery scent, or skin-softening lotion to refresh your beauty routine.

how do you embrace summer?
please share your insights and ideas in the comments below. i would love to learn more about what you do to bring signature style to the summer season! also, please share your recommendations on topics for future signature style posts.

image credit: basheertome

kaileenelise is a sparklista, yogini, artist, blogger & creative entrepreneur living in raleigh, nc. follow her on twitter & visit her blog for musings on making every day an extraordinary adventure.