the law of attraction

love notes
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While Kimberly is in Spain at her leadership retreat, guest hip tranquil chicks are filling in to share some of their thoughts… enjoy!

Dear HTC,

First, thanks Kimberly for giving us this chance to connect as a community, very cool. I really appreciate your generosity.

Check out one of the best books in the world: The Law of Attraction by Jerry and Esther Hicks. Essentially this book lays down the basics of “how” the universe really works. Essentially the law of attraction states: “Things of like vibration are drawn together.” We have opportunities every day to imagine and make our lives better through better feeling thoughts thus drawing into our universe our hearts desire.

The key to this taking care of yourself. I have found that if I don’t do my yoga practice, read uplifting books, eat wholesome food, sip tea, or hang out with other uplifting people I don’t always have the best feeling thoughts.

Draw yourself and fab bubble bath. Enjoy this waaayyy cool book.

xoxo, Lori Guth Moffett, Yogini, Columbus, Ohio