thursday book event in nyc!

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





dahlins, if you live in or around nyc, please join us for some fun THIS thursday night from 7-9pm at lolita bar – 266 broome street. (click on the image to enlarge and forward to friends)

i’ll be up in new york for yoga journal’s 2-day continuing education conference so this seemed the perfect time to connect with new york hip tranquil chicks. the event will feature a reading, gratis tasty vegetarian treats, happy hour drink specials, and a raffle. i can’t wait to meet you. please feel free to bring friends. dress: your signature style, of course!

i can’t wait to share with you my experience at the yoga conference as i have three classes with one of my fave teachers – rusty wells. he is an absolute gem with such a sweet spirit (i understand he’s originally from arkansas – how can you not be nice??)