Week in Review

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Week in Review

The week after hosting a retreat typically consists of refilling my well through sleeping, time at home, and processing. This one was no exception. Most days I enjoyed a soak in the tub, read from the 20ish books I’m currently in a relationship with, and found myself ready for bed by 9pm.

This week I collaborated with clients, worked on the spring TranquiliT launch (coming next week), picked up a few supplies for my new practice, enjoyed lunch with a friend, taught a four-hour teacher training workshop, attended a Walmart protest, practiced yoga, noshed on many ginger scones from Teaism, met with my writing teacher, taught mindfulness, attended a studio directors’ meeting, recorded a podcast interview, reviewed my February dreams, and penned my March dreams.

Pics in Review

  1. Belle in her new hoodie
  2. Doga with Mookie
  3. Monday’s protest with The Humane League against Walmart’s double standards
  4. Sunday morning
  5. Imitating Mookie
  6. Art journal play

Savvy Sources

5 Tips For A Healthy Morning Routine
Honor Your Rhythm
Take Your Mind For a Walk
George Saunders: What Writers Really Do When They Write
Strengthen Your Empathy Muscle
How To Realistically Participate in The “Day Without A Woman”
Three Ways to Hack Your Environment To Help You Create
What Do Men Get That Women Don’t?
9 Ted Talks on Self-Care
How To Stop Overcomplicating Things
8 Tips To Transition Your Wardrobe From Winter to Spring

Weekend Wish List

Virtual Retreat prep
Family time
Soak in the tub
Update LinkedIn profile