weekly love note + giveaway

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





image courtesy of nation master
bonsoir mes amis. as i head off to savor my weekly dose of yoga + meditation at tranquil space, i wanted to request your feedback {in exchange for entering a fab giveaway}. 
in an effort to stay more connected to those of you fabulous souls who have subscribed to seasonal love notes, i’m pondering a weekly one featuring one of our columns {mindful monday, things i love, wednesday well-being, tranquilosophy, week in review} and a brief love note. 
so, i’d love to hear YOUR feedback. which column would you like to receive as a weekly love note: mindful monday, things i love, wednesday well-being, tranquilosophy, or week in review? 
share your suggestion in the comments section below by friday noon ET and enter to win this darling dress from shabby apple. who doesn’t love a beautiful spin on vintage clothing plus a subtle shout-out to breakfast at tiffany’s
merci beaucoup in advance for your feedback. bisous. x
image courtesy of shabby apple