february’s online book club choice

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omg, two of my favorite topics: creativity and transforming the world – all rolled into this little gem by christine mason miller. you may recall an interview with her on ordinary sparkling moments back in 2009. well, she’s recently released this amazing new book that i’m eager to dive into fully and am hopeful you’ll join me on the journey.
here’s the skinny on the book a la amazon: In Desire to Inspire, readers will be introduced to twenty extraordinary women – writers, artists and entrepreneurs – all of whom share a unique example of how they create a meaningful life and, in turn, make a positive impact on the world. The stories and examples explore the roots of their desire to inspire and how they manage to pursue their passions in the midst of all the twists and turns life has given them. In addition to a beautiful collection of quotes, stories, and anecdotes, readers are given substantive, encouraging exercises aimed at supporting their own journey towards a meaningful, mindful life.
finally, a reminder, to partake in tranquility du jour’s online book club, simply click the book cover image on the far right of the blog during the month the book is chosen. would love to hear your thoughts on the chosen texts. bisous. x