June’s Book Club Pick

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Welcome back to the Tranquility du Jour virtual book club! From one bibliophile to another, let’s read stories that move us, make us think, and open up important conversations.

Together we’ll read and discuss in our TDJ Insider’s Facebook group and hopefully in person someday soon. You in? Hope so!

Introducing Our June Book


Too many ambitious women strive to accomplish all their goals alone, leading to dangerous levels of stress and anxiety. Learn how a strong support network and meaningful connections are crucial not only to your long-term success, but to your peace of mind.

Today’s women are ambitious and excelling in every way. But many still believe that asking for help along the journey is a sign of weakness, ignorance, or incompetence, so they go it alone.

Author and podcaster Elayne Fluker believes this mindset is partially responsible for the increase in suicide rates for girls and women and the reason so many women end up depressed, overwhelmed, isolated and unfulfilled. To combat this alarming trend, Fluker helps women learn how to build their own networks, make meaningful connections, and understand how even some of the most successful women in the world, like Oprah Winfrey and Spanx founder Sara Blakely, had tremendous support networks that helped them achieve their dreams.

Get Over “I Got It”:

  • Shares the lessons Fluker learned throughout her own struggles with learning how to ask for and accept support.
  • Provides anecdotes from women professionals, interviews with health professionals, and current research demonstrating the tangible ways women can ditch the dangerous go-it-alone philosophy.
  • Offers proven, real-world ways for women to embrace the proven health and career benefits of a stronger-together approach.

Ultimately, this book helps women overcome their psychological hurdles to asking for help, giving them a surefire strategy—and the confidence—to seek support. They’ll then be positioned to join other women’s support networks, uplifting them in a way that will transform both individual lives and communities.

Why I Chose It

I wanted to choose another book that will help us navigate the world as it reopens. When I interviewed Elayne (podcast here), I resonated with her messaging that having it all doesn’t mean doing it alone.

Of course, she also explores what “having it all” really means and how there’s no one size fits all. Not sure what this means to you right now? Well, she walks us through the process of defining our goals—finances, career/business, health, relationships, personal development, impact—ways to combat the “I Got It” syndrome, how to tap into our feminine energy, and much more.

I hope you’ll join me and check out her bonuses here!

How to Join

Join us over on the TDJ Insider’s Facebook group. Look for the pinned post in our Facebook group. I’ll share a few thoughts and prompts mid-month and welcome you to share favorite quotes and takeaways throughout the month.

Want a physical copy of the book? Here’s a list of Black-owned bookstores. Or download the book via an e-reader or Audible (use this link for a free 30-day trial and first book).