November Book Club Pick

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Welcome back to the Tranquility du Jour virtual book club!

From one bibliophile to another, I’d love to read stories with you that move us and make us think and to open up important conversations to encourage reflection and deeper understanding.

Together we’ll read books and discuss them over in our TDJ Insider’s Facebook group and hopefully in person someday soon. You in? Hope so!

November Book

From the author’s website: “By the time she was in her late twenties, Tara Schuster was a rising TV executive who had worked for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and helped launch Key & Peele to viral superstardom. By all appearances, she had mastered being a grown-up. But beneath that veneer of success, she was a chronically anxious, self-medicating mess. No one knew that her road to adulthood had been paved with depression, anxiety, and shame, owing in large part to her minimally parented upbringing. She realized she’d hit rock bottom when she drunk-dialed her therapist pleading for help.

Through simple, daily rituals, Tara transformed her mind, body, and relationships, and in this book she shows how to…

• fake gratitude until you actually feel gratitude

• excavate your emotional wounds and heal them with kindness

• identify your self-limiting beliefs, kick them to the curb, and start living a life you choose

• silence your inner frenemy and shield yourself from self-criticism

• carve out time each morning to start your day empowered, inspired, and ready to rule

• create a life you truly, totally f*cking LOVE

This is the book Tara wished someone had given her and it is the book many of us desperately need: a candid, hysterical, addictively readable, practical guide to growing up (no matter where you are in life) and learning to love yourself in a non-throw-up-in-your-mouth-it’s-so-cheesy way.”

Why I Chose It

I searched high and low for the right November fit and you offered so many great ideas in the TDJ Insiders Facebook group and during our recent TDJ Lifestyle gathering. Ultimately, this book felt like just what we needed as we round the corner on 2020 with good self-care and a strong mindset. Plus, the cover is gorgeous! I know, I know, don’t judge a book by its cover, but my goodness, it draws you in and it looks like it’s chock-full of many TDJ topics and delights. Happy reading!

How to Join

Read the book and join us over on theTDJ Insider’s Facebook group. Want a hard copy? Here’s a list of Black-owned bookstores. Or download the book via an e-reader or Audible (use this link for a free 30-day trial and first book). Look for the pinned post about the book. I’ll share a few thoughts and prompts by mid-month and welcome you to share favorite quotes and takeaways throughout the month.