a day for every busy woman

love notes
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today was jam-packed! beginning at 6am to prepare for the “a day for every busy woman conference” and coming to a close on the dance floor at a local hotel surrounded by washingtonians and their canine companions at the annual humane society bark ball. i feel so blessed to have run into numerous women that i’ve met in various paths along the way — students, blog readers, podcast listeners, fellow business owners, and former consultants. what a slew of amazing women in one place. and then the delightful bark ball filled with 2-pound tea cup pups to huge saint bernards. louis looked quite regal in his cute little bow tie (note his snaggle tooth grin in the above photo).

i was impressed with the wide range of people at both of today’s events. a speaker at the event noted how wonderful it was to have all people – democrats, republicans, independents – all united under one roof supporting the same cause. i thought that was a beautiful point and his message hit home. putting aside differences to unite on humane treatment for animals was close to many washingtonian hearts tonight. xo, kimberly and louis the beloved pug