i’m soooo excited to share that today i held my first pilot of the tranquil space foundation with a phenom cohort, amanda hirsh! over the weekend 3 fabulous femmes from our steering committee held the very first one while i was in denver. the girls seemed to love it – especially the yoga and journal writing. at the end we had the girls share what they had learned from the brief program and many planned to carry on with the yoga, to use the breathing techniques in stressful situations, and to use their journals as a tool for getting in touch with their feelings. voila – this is EXACTLY what we were hoping for.
this week has been non-stop (do you note a pattern here?). ok, really, more so than others. considering i’m leaving on sunday for a month-long teacher training, there are so many loose ends to tie up – not to mention packing. i plan to bring a new stargazer lily-scented candle i picked up in denver, framed photos of beau and pug, my ultra-soft sheets, feather bed, 6 pillows, fresh flowers, and oodles of books to make sure it feels like home. considering my room looks like this inside and this outside, it is important to make it ubertranquil.
yesterday i walked in to find the sweetest goody bag package filled with scents, lotions, samples, and more from our fellow product lover, julia. what a thoughtful gesture – absolutely made my day! thank you, julia, for sharing your passion for products in such a generous way – you definitely are a southerner.
tomorrow morning i’m off to teach my final chair yoga for seniors at the assisted living center before i go. i can’t wait to see their smiling faces. since beau is now self-employed, maybe i’ll drag him and louis the pug along to enjoy the fun.
it feels so odd to be wrapping up my affairs (even redrafted my will today) before i dash off for a month. the longest i’ve been away from my baby (the studio) is two weeks and that was for my 30th birthday. i keep having anxiety dreams that i can’t get online. hmmmm, can we say addicted? well, i promise to get online as often as i can while still staying true to the training.
my do-gooding today feels very good. i’m delighted to see that our efforts since july last year are coming to fruition and having a positive effect on the girls we meet. this means so much. now, off to bed so i can see my favorite seniors in the morning. sleep tight and let’s go do some do-gooding!