green is the new black

love notes
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kris carr speaking at today’s jivamukti gathering

today i was blessed to hear kris carr of crazy sexy cancer fame speak again and i always love her message. if you don’t know her, check out her latest book crazy sexy diet – you won’t be sorry.

after a super duper intense practice, my dinner was a green juice. actually so was breakfast. love nyc and having juice bars everywhere. i digress. the reason i’m writing is to invite you to join moi on a 21-day vegan kickstart put on my physican’s committee for responsible medicine. i know, i know, give up cheese? well, it’s only 21 days and you may find that you don’t even miss certain things.

since the end factory farming conference in october, i’ve been an aspiring (aka mostly) vegan who dabbles in cheese and buttery baked goods from time to time (hello cupcake + croissant), but my intake has shifted substantially. instead of greek yogurt and granola for breakfast, i have sprouted whole grain toast with all natural peanut butter. instead of a cheese plate, i get a salad. honestly, i do feel lighter inside and i feel good not supporting the sadness of the dairy industry. le sigh.

i’m excited for this challenge and even contemplating getting a juicer to sit aside my refurbished vitamix. apparently you can drink 2 lbs of veggies with one juice (versus eating 2lbs of veggies – um, that’s a TON of broccoli). join moi! after all, green (juice) is the new black.

too extreme? consider meatless mondays to start. your body will thank you and lord knows we could all use a little cleansing after the hollydaze, eh? let’s sprinkle compassion + cleansing into our lifestyle this year. reading this month’s book? it’s all about kindness. the world needs your special touch o’ tranquility. bisous. x