happy good friday

love notes
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slumbered for 9 hours last night and feel like a new woman. sleeping is truly one of my most beloved passions! up early, did a sun salute (committing to one every day as soon as i wake up to help jumpstart it as a habit and keep me from going straight to e-mail – join moi!), made some of my yummy organic rose tea, and wrote my column for the examiner on simplicity. now off to get highlights, lowlights and pink streaks infused into my tresses. roots are *not* tres chic! then to the showroom to work on fall TranquiliT designs and indulge in creative/strategic play until tonight’s mentoring and yoga class.

SO very excited about the weekend. easter is a day off. first one since valentine’s day and i’m over the moon about not having any plans. we may head out to beau’s new cabin in the woods that is still getting renovated. thinking of hiding treats in the woods for louis to capture to easter egg hunt from my early years.

pre-easter, explore some internal and external spring-cleaning:

internal: take note of what you’re eating, drinking, and how you’re moving. as you know, i’m on a 10-day detox diet that consists of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and beans. observe your eating patterns and see if there are ways in which you can spring clean your diet – less processed food, less caffeine, less meat, more fiber. drink more water to flush out your system. add a slice of lemon, orange, or a strawberry to your reusable water bottle to make it more fun. in addition to cleaning up what you consume, move your body at least 20 minutes each day.

external: take a moment to observe your surroundings and to-dos. is your desk a mess? are items in their proper place? unless you live in a tiny home or work in a tiny office, an overhaul takes time and can’t be done in a day. start small with your desk or your kitchen table. slowly weed through the muck. have file folders, markers, and a trash bin nearby. put papers into appropriate files, tear out magazine articles you want to keep, bundle pens, post-its, and paper clips together. sort your sock drawer. clean out your closet. pass former must-haves along to a local charity. reflect on your to-dos. are they things that only you can do? are they moving you in the direction of your dreams?

life is frittered away by detail. simplify, simplify. – henry david thoreau