greetings, greetings, greetings!
yay for the holidays! i’ve already started all the holiday tune playing. last night i was in such a festive mood that i got home at 7 (after reorganizing my office for 2 hours), lit a fire coupled with numerous candles, reorganized bookshelves, end tables, and more. finally i relunctantly crawled into bed at 1:30am from my whirling dervish as visions of the 7:30am alarm creeped into my head. up early to bake cookies to greet students at the studio this morning. we had two charity classes taught by the fabulous anne and danielle and raised over $500 for so others might eat! next off to teach some chair yoga at an assisted living center, tofurkey dinner at 4, and then corteo by cirque du soleil at 8! whew, what a FABULOUS thanksgiving day. i hope yours is equally divine and that you are taking some time to reflect, express gratitude, nurture yourself, and do good for others. blessings, kimberly