midwest conference musings

love notes
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today has been a total treat. i went to a few workshops on the business of yoga while the shoppers were also occupied. love feeding many birds with one hand (the whole killing 2 birds with 1 stone thing always sounded so violent). soooo, i snuck (“sneaked” to be proper) out of the tradeshow to indulge my left brain with strategy and information. came away with oodles of notes on mission statements, financial statements (boo, sooo not sexy but uber-important), vision (dristi), and breath (flow of energy so things don’t stagnate). wow, it was just the pep talk that i needed!

i always love this conference. the people are delightful (god bless midwesterners), the lodging is $89/night (super cheap!), the teachers are phenom, and it’s fun to have some sacred alone time in the evenings. tonight i had dinner with a lovely fellow vendor who is also a yoga teacher. we sipped a lovely glass of reisling and shared yummy pasta dishes. i got us tickets to go see SEX & THE CITY tomorrow night. i’m soooooooooo excited! can’t wait to get all dolled up for opening night of the show. turns out there is a shuttle here at the hotel that i never knew existed. guess it’s safer that way as i’ve loved holing up in my room the past 4 years (except the one night i smoked cigars with fellow vendors and did yoga on a dance floor at a nearby pub). that was two years ago. i was younger then.

speaking of being younger, this is my 35th year (b/day 6.30). beau and i hemmed and hawed about how to celebrate. i long to roam the west coast again – really want to rent an RV and have him drive me and pug across the country while i nap and read in the back (he’s not a fan of this idea), and we pondered a smaller local trip. however, it looks like we’re going to have a low key celebration at home as we just can’t make the voyage at this time. for my 30th, i took myself on a solo excursion to ibiza for 2 weeks. i’d like 35 to be something equally spiritual (interesting way to describe ibiza) and insightful but we just couldn’t make any decisions so having a dinner with friends felt the way to go.

before i finish some e-mails and don my eyemask, i want to share a tres fabulous resource called the wishstudio blogzine. when the lovely mindy asked me to write a monthly piece for it, i was delighted. as i was perusing her great work recently i came across this fab site and was immediately inspired. yay for people out there living their dreams, sharing foibles and insights with others, and making things happen. you all serve to motivate me daily. merci beaucoup for that! remember to keep sharing your special gift in your special way. it could be as simple as thanking your boss for your job, praising your assistant for the impressive spreadsheet, acknowledging your barista for making a mean latte, thanking accounts payable for sending your paycheck on time, honoring someone’s birthday with a homemade card, leaving a thoughtful post-it note on your colleague’s computer, tipping your dog walker, complimenting a stranger on the street. remember, you always have the opportunity to make someone feel special. embrace it!