ten tips to help you start fall on the right foot

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1. Write out your fall goals. Reassess your new year’s goals. There are three months left in 2005. What steps can you take now to get you closer to what you had hoped this year would look like for you? Where are you now and where do you want to be?
2. Clean out your closet. Fall fashion is SO fabulous this year. Spend some time mulling through your closet and shedding what you no longer wear. Donate these items to charity or schedule a swap with your gal pals. This process is cleansing and opens up space for the season’s must-haves (gauchos, shrugs, chunky necklaces, bohemian tiered skirts, Victorian-inspired lace, cowboy boots).
3. Host a soiree. Reconnect with your fave friends who’ve fallen off the radar due to summer travels. Invite them all over for swapping clothing, mingling over mimosas, raising awareness about a special cause, or noshing over your fave pumpkin soup or pecan pie recipe.
4. Self-nurture with a home spa day or weekend. Gather all the ingredients needed for a decadent day at home and indulge in a facial, pedi, mani, and aromatherapy bath. There are tons of great recipes online and in books that will help you turn your studio into a spa!
5. Carve your career path. Take a moment to assess if you’re heading in the right direction of your dreams. Do you long to write but are currently organizing fundraisers? Why not begin taking writing classes, subscribing to writing publications, connecting with authors, and setting aside time to write? Remember that taking one baby step each day towards your dream is a sure way to attain them.
6. Challenge yourself. Take up a new hobby or that salsa class you’ve been thinking about for years. Schedule a vacation alone, learn a foreign language, quit talking about learning to knit and do it.
7. Get organized. Clean up your finances, clear off your desk (or kitchen table), sort through your kitchen cabinets, and put your accessories into labeled drawers. Clearing clutter frees the mind and opens up space for renewed creativity.
8. Schedule quiet time. You’ve got to set aside that private time to replenish. Some ideas are yoga (of course, I HIGHLY suggest incorporating this amazing practice into everyday!), journal writing, meditating, long walks, gardening, cooking, bookstore browsing, knitting.
9. Join a group of like-minded women. How about a social group like Urban Divas, a political group, entrepreneur group, volunteer group, book club, toastmasters group, or knitting circle? These connections will help you grow and open you up to new possibilities.
10. Update for more soulful surroundings. Does your home or office scream you or is it a hodgepodge of hand-me-downs? Never fear, you can make minor updates on a tight budget. Buy some new curtains at discount stores, search for used shabby chic style furniture, get that paint brush out and color your walls pink, or buy that fabulous animal print rug you’ve been eyeing for years. A little bit of feng shui goes a long way.