Art Journaling Joy

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Last Friday I invited the LUXE group of the TDJ Lifestyle ecourse to join me for a private art journaling Pop-Up event.

We sipped tea, shared our favorite magazines, and spent one hour creating pages in our journals. I created the above collage and added some additional writing a few days later.

While I’m a longtime fan of traditional journaling (pen on paper), the addition of images in art journaling makes for a more full-bodied experience.

No fancy tools are needed, just a journal, writing tools, ephemera (bits of paper), washi tape, scissors and a glue stick.

The process is fairly simple. Create a background (with paint, a big image, colored pencils), layer with ephemera (images, words, quotes, letters, doilies, envelopes), and add writing (I like Sharpies).

The prompt I offered may also resonate with you. We have two months (9 weeks) left in 2020, what would you like to experience, do, create, and/or feel as we round out the year?

Yes, it’s been a hard one (I know, that’s an understatement) and, yet, we still have the chance to make things happen.

That may involve letting go of something, starting a project, getting clear on what we want 2021 to look like, making a change to our diet, shifting our morning routine, setting up a home office, or anything in between.

If you have a few minutes to spare, grab your journals, a few images, and let yourself play. You may be surprised at what bubbles up. Bisous. x