artist date challenge winner revealed

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drum roll please . . . after reviewing many creative submissions (a few were featured on the blog), i have chosen kathryn as the winter solstice artist date challenge winner (see above). artistic submissions ranged from rearranging furniture for more creative flow at home to staying inspired to museum excursions to small town explorations. they were all so beautiful and the descriptions of their special artist dates left me wondering, “why can’t every day be an artist date?” now that’s one to ponder. how can you carefully craft your days in the new year as a stroke on your grand canvas of life?

did you submit and not win this round? there are 4 chances each year, please resubmit! did you forget to submit? never fear, the artist date challenge continues. send moi photos of you getting your artist date on and i may share them with our readers. the most creative artist date photo/write up received by march 20 (spring equinox) will receive a complimentary mentoring session plus my newest tranquility-to-go yoga CD. create away + do share!

wondering “what IS an artist date?” it is a solo excursion to refuel your creative spark. i highly encourage you get in at least one each week to indulge in self-care, sprout new wings, and revel in your dreams.