au revoir dc, bonjour paris

love notes
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today is the day i’ve been blogging about for months. i leave for paris in a matter of hours. woke up with butterflies as the clock is ticking on my to-dos in prep for leaving, along with packing properly for this rainy, chilly time of year.
a friend sent me this photo last night in a sweet “au revoir” note. i asked if i could share it on the blog as it is such a gorgeous representation of the eiffel tower. merci beaucoup, carol!
i promise to: blog, tweet, and update facebook regularly. sip bubbly at noon on at least one occassion (simply because i can). not check e-mail often – not even daily. journal write every day. sit in churches, bask in their beauty, and meditate. write FAQs and an article for my publisher. review guest blogger submissions and come back with a plan for next steps – tres excited about your talent! take yoga classes in french. walk along the seine. tiptoe through the tuileries. sip vin chaud (hot spiced wine) at a sidewalk cafe. play the role of a writer pensively pondering next moves at an indoor cafe near a fireplace. sleep in and savor baguettes and cheese at my rented apartment. glean inspiration for the spring TranquiliT collection. welcome beau next thursday morning with oodles of must-dos after checking out the scene. savor oodles of rainy afternoons at shakespeare and company bookstore. browse the famous flea markets. write oodles of snail mail.
wishing each of you, my supportive readers, a glorious next 10 days. merci beaucoup for your many paris suggestions. i’ve saved them all in a file and look forward to making basic must-dos over tea in my apartment overlooking paris tomorrow morning.
mille bisous, kimberly