teaching at centre luna yoga in old montreal
we decided not to go to sleep thursday night/friday morning since we had a 3:15am cab arriving for our 4am train. lots of green tea and simple tasks like wrapping bakers twine around pink tags for the daybook ephemera packets kept me going. once we hit the train and i settled in with my fluffy pink chenille blanket, i was out . . . until nyc where we had a quick layover and switched trains.
again i curled up with my blanket (perfect travel companion), donned pink earplugs, and off to dreamland i went. awoke around noon and loved watching the snow-capped countryside pass us by. despite a big list of items i’d hoped to accomplish, i simply savored the passing view. i’ve often thought that i would be fairly happy simply sitting on a train and looking out the window for a living, but i don’t think there’s actually a company willing to pay me for that. sigh.
yesterday i taught “living your yoga” and “business of yoga” at my pal jennifer’s studio, centre luna yoga in beautiful old montreal. it was an absolute treat to be with her community for a fourth time and to see many online pals at the workshops. honestly, i could talk about both of these topics for hours and loved sharing my enthusiasm with the teacher trainees and drop-ins.
tomorrow is our final full day here and involves mentoring, vintage shopping, a reflexology/mentoring exchange, yoga, and more playtime with our pals. then tuesday it’s back to dc via our 15-hour train ride. this is my spring break so i’m looking forward to being sans school and internship while i focus on some personal creative projects and host a tiny dinner fête.
wishing you a beautiful conclusion to the weekend and launch into the week. can you believe it’s march already? bisous. x