bonjour tuesday o’ updates

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





image courtesy of lena via flickr
dearest fabulista (oui, i love making up words). today will be random musings on the heaps of topics on my mind. bear with me. and while we’re at it, why not grab a cup of tea (or flute of bubbly – depending on what time you’re reading this) and kick back for a bit. 

new york
i’m still reveling in the creative excursion that proved to be my week of living on west 14th in a 100 square foot space. the vintage shopping, yummy yoga, meet-ups (i heart you!), and vegetarian cuisine left me full of gratitude, inspiration, and slight sensory overload. when i returned to dc and walked straight out the door (versus the 4th floor walk-up in ny), i was filled with “ahhhh.” it felt like quiet, tranquil suburbs compared to the constant noise flow (honk honk!) in manhattan. yet, that noise flow comes with a plus – the city is filled to the brim with creative expression. eye candy is everywhere – from storefronts to personal style to colorful hair to tattoos galore to flea markets to funky cafes holding cool events to green juice food trucks (seriously!) to broadway shows to trim and fabric shops in the garment district. i’m still processing my time there – wanting to note big takeaways. but maybe having basked in the week-long experience itself is enough to tie a bow around it.
disney institute
my favorite surprises at disney were riding the carousel, stumbling upon a 6-piece band playing big band tunes, and shopping/dining in “paris” in the world showcase at epcot (where i picked up a pink eiffel tower + a literary paris). i grew up going to ghost towns, forts, and national parks for family vacations so the whole disney thing was somewhat foreign to moi. at one point in our training we were working as a group to come up with as many disney characters as possible. i threw out “tinklebell!” with pride. only to be big leagued by disney expert le beau, “um, it’s tinkerbell.” i let others in the group take the lead after that faux pas. after 40 hours of training last week, i’m still processing all the information. we learned about leadership excellence, inspiring creativing, brand loyalty, quality service, and people management. during the training, we were taken to backstage park settings, shown historical and current videos, and immersed in disney as a culture of imagination. perfectly aligned, i came across this article via twitter today on how walt disney worked his imagination. more to be unveiled as le beau and i sit down to process. maybe even a podcast to share it all? hmmmm.

this thing is dangerous. recently i was on a delayed train with engine issues and saw a tweet mentioning a dummies book about reconstructing clothing. before i knew it, i’d purchased four others from the “you may also like” list. ugh! this morning a dear reader sent me a link to taschen’s paris and before i knew it, i had taschen’s new york ordered, too. be very, very careful of this thing (or simply have some self control . . . and teach moi).
journal writing
was up at 7 to start the day in reflection. pulled out my papaya book of days to ponder the many directions i’m feeling pulled at the moment – figuring out my fall schedule (back to school next week and so not ready), creative space, admin time, team happiness, healthy pets (sir louis has a yucky cold and, as we all know, bonnard is a lemon), balancing 2 more years of school (then 3000 supervised hours to get licensed), vision clarification, penning new e-course + e-book, launching fall TranquiliT collection, making one-of-a-kind skeleton key necklaces, purchasing an airstream to have a girly space at le beau’s cabin, carving out space for dreaming. literally, these all came out in today’s journal writing. last night i penned my dreams to complete by the end of the year using a sharpie and a page from an anthropologie catalog taped into my planner pad. somehow a brain dump helps me to put the various ideas and to-dos into a place that lightens the heaviness surrounding overwhelm. et toi?
two weeks ago heaps of information went out to our registrants including the surprise add of a private podcast with paris tips, packing info, french phrases, and more. oh, and 3-course meals each evening in provence. so. very. excited. about this journey. especially since i’ll be in france for 4-6 weeks next summer. ooh la la!

giveaway winner
the lovely julie of julie shops was the announced winner of last week’s pink sugar parfum giveaway. a super duper merci beaucoup to all 34 of you who commented sharing tranquil tips and love notes. 

tranquility du jour museletter
coming out this week straight to your in boxes. my goal is to send these monthly and fill them with fun ideas and updates around artistic play, fave yoga sequence, do-gooding, and signature style. sign up at the bottom of anything in particular you’d like to see added? 
deciding how best to spend time, energy, money
this is an ongoing issue that i journal about constantly. et toi? i presume so! am i using my resources wisely? how can i be most efficient and effective? here is a great article with 7 tips on making these important decisions. enjoy!
coming to richmond and san francisco
i’m leading a yoga + creativity workshop at yoga tree on october 9 and contemplating an evening meet-up. any bay area lovelies available and interested? if so, i’ll pull something together similar to the new york extravaganza. also, i’ll be in richmond at om on yoga november 11 hosting a living your yoga workshop, TranquiliT trunk show and booksigning. cOMe out!
upcoming e-courses
the 4-week tranquility project launches september 7. learn tips for mind, body, soul tranquility while communing with like-minded ladies. here’s a testimonial from a recent participant: “I can’t thank you enough for this amazing course! I feel like a switch has been turned on again that has touched all aspects of my life and I thank you for shining the light to guide me. It has also been wonderful to be part of a community that is experiencing the same inspiration. I have learned so much I don’t even know where to begin with a takeaway list… Taking the time for self care, art journaling, daily mediation and yoga, redoing my altar…it’s all been beyond words! I find myself talking about our podcasts and OMwork to anyone I feel can benefit. This was exactly what I needed at exactly the right time. You are a truly inspiring teacher!” and a brand new e-course on creative + conscious business launches september 15. this one is a DIY course where you go at your own pace and join anytime. sign up now and get a complimentary mp3 of a lecture where i share favorite how-to’s for building and expanding your business.
ok, i think this is enough from updateland. wishing you a tranquil tuesday full of imagination. thanks for reading. i heart you and all of your contributions. bisous. x