connecting creative entrepreneurs

love notes
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The oh-so-lovely Jennifer Lee, Lisa Sonora Beam, Britt Bravo and I were on a call the other day talking about how fun it would be to put together an event for creative women entrepreneurs to connect, create, and learn together. We came up with our own description of what an event like that would look like, but we want to hear your thoughts and opinions, too.

We put together a six-question survey to find out what your ideal creative women entrepreneur event would look like. By providing your feedback, you can enter in a raffle to be one of four winners to receive either a half hour social media consulting with Britt, a copy of the Right Brain Business Plan e-Book by Jennifer, a copy of Creative Entrepreneur by Lisa, or a copy of Hip Tranquil Chick by moi on November 16. Click here to take the survey.

Merci beaucoup for your input. We’ll be designing an experience that caters to you AND is what we wish we had when we started our journeys. That’s why we’re excited to create it and for you to be a part of it! xo