Creative Thursdays: How to Mala Part 3

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We have gotten some emails from some readers who are planning to make malas as Christmas gifts after reading our How to Mala posts 1 and 2. Today’s post is a follow up to the first 2 posts that will explore how to create your own tassel for your very special piece. Sure, there are plenty of websites where you can buy pre-made tassels, but where’s the fun in that?

So, let’s get started!

1. Supplies for the tassel are minimal:
-string of your choice (I am using hemp in the example)
-clear nail polish or super glue
-pair of scissors
-card or cardboard

2. Wrap the string around a business card or piece of cardboard. There is no right amount to wrap — obviously the more your wrap, the more volume your tassel will have.

3. Cut one of end the string. Don’t worry too much about the evenness of the ends — we can touch it up when the tassel is complete. Also try to keep a good grip on the side of the string that isn’t cut. Trying to re-align all the individual pieces of string can be a hassle.

4. At this point, if you have the ends of the string to your mala bracelet, go ahead and tie them in the middle of the strands you just cut. You may want to knot it a few times then secure it with glue or nail polish. Cut the ends when they had dried.

If you don’t have a mala that you can attach at this point, I would stop now and finish that first. It is much easier to attach the tassel to your mala in this fashion rather than at the end when the tassel is completely made.

5. Take any 2 strands from your tassel and criss-cross them over. Wrap around a few times, then secure with a couple over hand knots. There can never be enough knots in this case — make sure that your work is secure.

6. Secure the knot with nail polish or glue. Wait until the glue dries to cut the ends. Trim the ends of your tassel to make them all even. Voila! Your very own custom tassel to attach to your special mala.

If any of you have photos that you would like to share of your DIY projects, please feel free to email them to me at We would love to share your creativity on the blog!

~Christy, events designer