cutest. bag. ever.

love notes
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i opened a package from mama wilson yesterday and squealed when i saw this new shopping bag! as a little girl i was obsessed with turtles (similar to my current pig obsession except i also wrote all my short stories in 3rd grade about them). i had t-shirts (this one says “get off my case” – um, not many options in the turtle t-shirt market), ceramic turtles, pewter turtles, stickers, books – you name it. if it had a turtle on it or was a turtle, i had to have it. 
sadly, over the past 30 years i’d forgotten about this beloved turtle tee that proudly displays my name on the back – in green turtle color, of course. i can’t wait to carry this to pick up groceries, new accessories, flowers, and more. can. you. stand. it?
wondering how you, too, can bring a beloved tee back to life? well, i googled “how to make a bag from a t-shirt” and found this fabulous how-to by the genius martha stewart:
enjoy! i hope your launch into spring weekend is full of some creative expression.
turtles are cool. bisous. x