Daily Dress-Up Made Easy

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Over the next two weeks we’re exploring the eight daily Tranquility Tools on Facebook and Instagram, so I wanted to give insight into the second one, daily dress-up.

This Washington Post article came out at the start of quarantine and describes how our clothes tell a story. Robin Givhan writes, “Fashion is a form of communication that is both intimate and aloof. Without ever uttering a word, you stand behind your message because you are, in fact, wearing it. Clothing is an eloquent form of communication for the inarticulate.”

It may feel unnecessary to dress-up if you’re not seeing anyone and spend your days chasing after a wayward toddler or sitting in front of a computer job searching, but there’s something about getting out of those pajamas that signifies a start to the day.

Givhan noted, “. . . going through an entire day in loungewear, it is easy to lose yourself and your sense of purpose and focus. Our clothes create boundaries. They mark time.”

Many of us have lost our commute and need to don a blazer (or whatever may be typical in your line of work). Both denote the transition to a different identity—our professional hat. Now our days and roles may feel blurred. There’s no demarcation of “Off to work!” or “I’m home and ready for leisure,” so we have to create it on our own.

I’m not sure when I started wearing the 2in1 fitted top and capri leggings year-round (basically loungewear, don’t tell Givhan), but it’s been a few years and having this “uniform” has saved me countless hours pondering what to wear and what to pack. Oh the drama!

Using these two pieces as my base, I can create looks for a variety of activities—pig petting, monument viewing, yoga teaching, cafe sitting, pug walking, balleting, and note taking.

Add-ons include a blazer for a more professional vibe, the long sleeve wrap tunic for a comforting layer that swaddles my body, or I’ll slip a vintage skirt over the ensemble. Here are 21 looks.

While you may not feel inspired to dress up these days, I get it, and that’s where a uniform makes it easy peasy. I’ll see clients (virtually, of course), take a ballet class, handle things around the house, jump on a Zoom meeting, and sit fireside to binge Mrs. America—all without changing.

Sure I’ll add a neck scarf, red lips, and eye makeup for videos, but otherwise I’m all set. Every. Day.

What would make your dress-up easier during these times? What’s the story you’re telling even with no audience? Bisous. x