post book launch fete musings.
last night was magical. 100 gerbera daisies. candles. chandeliers. YOU. live piano music. mood lighting. tranquilTinis. mingling off the mat. goody bags. marshmallows covered with pink sprinkles and an edible book cover. damask armwarmers. oodles of book signing topped off with stamping. even cute gota in a pink tie. yep, took my new bird and paris stamps to add a little flair to the signature. artsy photos to come from photographer patrick onofre. the true belle of the ball, louis the pug, was home with a sprained toe. boo.
today i am working from bed (see photos above) surrounded by cell phone, laptop, flowers, candles, tea mug, water bottle, and louis the pug. energy is low. to-dos are high. am setting priorities, but basking in the launch of a weekend to organize and dial it down. nature is flooding dc with snow and i am celebrating with a *bed day.* just finished a one-hour interview with marla maples which should be posted here shortly.
although februray launched a few days ago, i wanted to muse on february and share results from january. these monthly check-ins are very powerful for moi and i hope you, too, are trying these on in your blogs or journals.
my february dreams:
1. finalize west coast book tour (march 6-12 – deets to come)
2. finalize and order spring TranquiliT collection (today)
3. finalize india retreat (coleading with darren main november 12-21 – deets to come)
4. complete blogging your way e-course homework each week
5. do MSW readings
6. chez moi organizing (feb. 13)
7. host two dinner dates (feb. 17 + 25)
8. return to weekly ashtanga practice
9. bask in “mindfulness on the job” workshop (feb. 27)
10. productive, fun spring TranquiliT photo shoot (feb. 28)
11. play date evening with girlfriend (feb. 12)
12. launch etsy store/design strategic plan/determine strategic use of time and energy (carryovers from january)
13. more consistent scheduling/morning ritual/meditation
my january dreams:
1. lose holiday pistachio salad weight gain. boo. – DONE
2. back to weekly boxing sessions. – BEGINS NEXT WEEK
3. host inspiring, informational living your yoga series. – POSTPONED
4. review and finalize spring samples. – STILL TWEAKING
5. launch etsy store. – STILL SEWING
6. design new e-course. thinking “living your yoga” or “tranquilista-focused.” – DESIGNED E-COURSE: DONE: TRANQUILISTA LIFESTYLE
7. host inspirational “new year, new you” teleclass on monday + day retreat on saturday. – DONE + POSTPONED
8. inspire creativity in online creativity circle and ongoing artist date challenge. – DONE
9. daily sun salutations and meditation. – WORK IN PROGRESS
10. yoga classes at tranquil space 3-5X/week. – DOING
11. more sewing party time with seamstress. – DATE IN FEBRUARY
12. finish see jane lead and letters to a young therapist. – UMMM, STILL READING
13. finalize book launch plans for tranquilista. – DONE
14. savor every moment of mexico mixed media retreat. – OH, SO VERY DONE
15. design a strategic plan. – UM, WORK IN PROGRESS
17. close computer by 11pm on weeknights. 90% DONE
18. finalize and send out survey to tranquil space yogis. DONE, RECEIVED OVER 500 RESPONSES IN 24 HOURS! WELCOMING RESPONSES THROUGH FEB. 10.
19. determine most strategic use of time and energy.- WORK IN PROGRESS