yesterday i frolicked about the local nursery and bought three flats of impatiens, some fresh cut tulips, and a new white pot. i was in heaven. poor beau was sooo bored and louis kept trying to eat the flowers. still, i was in heaven! as soon as i had a chance to dig my hands into the dirt, i was all over it. this is the one time each year where my gardening instincts come out to play and i take it very seriously. put on madonna’s latest CD, doned some flip flops, and hit my tiny patio in the same outfit i’d worn to a surprise tea at the four seasons. it took less than an hour and my patio is filled with lovely pink and white impatiens that will last me through the first frost. what isn’t to love? i recently found a great book, you grow girl. it’s like the cool chick’s guide to gardening. such fun. she also has a website.
if you’re scared to get your hands dirty, never fear, there are great gloves out there. however, i had no patience to search for my purple pansy gloves and instead dug right in with my hands and tiny tools. no matter what your situation, i’ll bet there is a houseplant that needs a bigger home, a window sill where you could plant some tiny pots of herbs, or a fire escape longing for some color. go ahead girls, get those hands dirty.