new york city was lovely. saw lots and lots of clothes, booths, stylish folks, creative peeps, and damask in abundance. apparently damask is it right now! got some great eco tees from alternative apparel, some organic cotton and hemp clothes for the tranquility boutique, and got some great ideas on design, set up, marketing (offsetting carbon emissions of online shipping by planting a tree for each online TranquiliT order). speaking of TranquiliT, the interior pages are finally redesigned so check it out. the spring photos are next and should be up in a few days. hope you love the new look. it’s been an ongoing labor of editing love the past month or so.
it was such fun to connect with many of you while in new york via the new year, new you teleclass. i’ll put together another one on blooming in spring so stay tuned. thanks also for the great feedback on the youtube channel. we’ll do our best to “fancy” it up in the upcoming months with how to wear TranquiliT tips on our versatile pieces, yoga sequences, and more.
on the bus ride back last night i was reading a great book that i recommend: craft inc.: turn your creative hobby into a business by meg mateo ilasco. i’m only half-way done (story of my life) but really enjoying it. there are so many great creative business books out these days. if only they’d had them when i launched tranquil space – it’s so great to not have to constantly reinvent the wheel and to learn from all these great resources.
feel as if this year has been one challenge after another so far. i’m hopeful that things will settle and it is just an ongoing state of growth and transition after the holidays. sometimes i wonder how many lessons there can be on a daily basis (you know, the whole “challenges are lessons” mantra). i’d like a day off from all the great lessons to recoup and regain some energy! off to teach in arlington. hopefully i’ll have a night free of lessons.