greetings from chincoteague – a lovely beach town in virginia. beau, pug, and i escaped the city around noon yesterday as i couldn’t bear to have a summer go by without seeing a beach. we head back in a couple of hours. yep, a tres quick jaunt but delightful nonetheless.
i’m excited to share that amanda will be returning to do some guest blogging while i’m in costa rica saturday-saturday. since the costa rica retreat is all about yoga + creativity, amanda will do a few muses on creativity to keep us all inspired.
i’ve been reading girl group confidential by jen worick and just loving it. if you’re interested in getting some gal pals together and creating a community, this is a must-read book. AND jen will be on the podcast very soon. stay tuned.
must dash as beau is ready to hit the road. if you’re gearing up for the holiday weekend and doing some traveling, be sure to take a good, inspiring read; pack your swimsuit; don’t forget your journal and some colorful pens; and your idea notebook – it’s amazing what comes to you when you give yourself space away from the norm. xo