Hellooooo October

love notes
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Welcome to a brand new month (and for some a brand new year)!

Tuesday I set aside time to review September’s dreams, checked things off (why is that SO satisfying?!), and noted the ones that need to be carried over. Next, I pulled a beautiful fall image from Lucia, washi taped it into my planner, and added October dreams. It’s a favorite monthly ritual that ensures I stay in touch with what’s most important.

In Tranquility Salon, one homework practice is to use images and words to represent where we’d like to be in a year. After curating what resonates from magazines, use a glue stick and washi tape to arrange a collage into a journal, notebook, or onto a file folder. Write those one-year-from-now dreams over the collage with a Sharpie. I chose a faint gold one for mine. (You’ll find mine over on Instagram).

This relaxing, creative process decreases stress responses and increases seratonin and helps us stay intentional.

With less than 90 days left in 2019, this ritual offers an artistic and playful way to stay on track and course correct, as needed. What would a Q4 collage look like to you? How have those bigger picture 2019 dreams unfolded? What dreams can you manifest by New Year’s Eve?

Spend a few moments in reflection to contemplate what you need most right now. Sending love and collage encouragement from DC. Bisous. x